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Market Areas and Storage Facilities

NJRES Is Where You Need Us To Be

NJRES has pipeline capacity and natural gas storage facilities in strategic locations across the Gulf Coast, Eastern Seaboard, Southwest, Mid-continent, and Eastern Canada.

Asset Map
New England: TGP Zone 6, Iroquois Zone 1 and 2
NY Metro Area: Transco, TETCO, TGP Zone 5
Chicago: Joliet Hub, Panhandle
Appalachia Markets: Columbia Transmission, Eastern Gas, TGP Zone 4
Southeast: Sonat, SESH, TGP
Gulf Coast: Tetco, TGP, Transco, Trunkline

Storage facilities are located in:

  • Bear Creek

  • Bobcat

  • Caledonia

  • Egan

  • Moss Bluff

  • Southern Pines
  • Columbia

  • Northern (TGP)

  • Steckman

  • Tetco SS1
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